A Stock Market Investment Plan that never lets you down

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by: James Marriott
The bulls and bears of the stock market are both tempting and scary to the investors. Speculators are enchanted by the stock market’s potential to help them in making quick money with a big M. While those who tread with care and caution, often shy away for fear of losing. However, the stock market is not all about speculative gains or black Tuesdays. It is a place where committed companies look for raising money to fund their activities. Serious investors can actually create wealth not only for themselves, but also for the companies and the nation. A wise way to invest in the stock market is to empower your self with information. You have to know and learn about the company you invest in, from past records and future plans. 
Irrespective of what the Wall Street Gurus predict or what the economic indicators like Dow Jones Average say, a simple and foolproof way of knowing that a company is doing well is to keep a track of how much dividend income does it pay to its share holders every year. If the dividend rates have been rising steadily every year, you know you have a safe bet. To benefit from the future prospects of such companies, it is a good idea to rollback the returns into the company. Which means, instead of adding the dividends to your savings, you can invest them in the shares of the same company. That way, you can ensure that the dividends you receive are always higher than what you got last, with a larger number of shares getting added to your investment portfolio every time. 
With this kind of an assured investment plan in place, investors with a gambling streak begin to think beyond making a quick gain. While those who were afraid to take risks get wiser. 
Let us find out why companies that give ever-increasing cash dividend income are a good choice for investment: 
Your Share Holding Goes Up And So does Your Dividend Income. 
Your income begins to escalate with your owning more shares every year and the dividend income rising correspondingly. 
Your Dividend Income Increases Even If Stock Prices don’t.
You are no more at the mercy of the market. Irrespective of what your shares are worth, you keep earning additional cash dividends. In fact, even if the market price dips, you are still at an advantage, as that allows you to reinvest to purchase more shares. 
You are not hit by Inflation.
With the dividend income rising every year, you offset the effects of a rising inflation. This particularly provides relief to people who have retired and depend on a regular cash inflow to help them meet their expenses. At this stage one need not rollback the investment into further shares, instead, the cash dividend can be used as a kind of regular pension money. 
Start Young
The ingenuity behind this investment strategy is that it protects you from the fluctuations that generally occur in the market. A lower stock market rate only means you buy more to increase your dividends more. It is advisable to start this strategy early in life while you are still working, so that your wealth builds up gradually and constantly over the years. And you are assured of a regular income, as you grow older. 
Remember, the success of this proven investment plan depends significantly on the track record of the company you invest in. It should be one that declares a higher dividend at the end of each financial period. A simple way to find that out would be to calculate the dividend yield. You can do that by dividing the annual dividend per share by the price per share. Of course, no investment can be totally free of risks, neither is this one. Keep an eye on the dividend yield, and if that dips, it’s a signal for you to opt out of the investment. 
About the author:
James Marriott is a finance writer with more than 15 years of experience in writing financial content, including those related to credit cards, mortgages, stocks, investments, and funds. He has been with RNCOS, a premier financial writing services company, for 2 years as head of financial writing. He is also a regular financial columnist with renowned business journals. For your comments on the article and further financial assistance, please contact our staff writer at info@rncos.com 
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An Untapped Resource For Finding Your Ideal Home Business

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by: Chuck Huckaby
The pitch "Business For Sale!" may be your key to a Profitable Home Based Business! 
In fact, your GOLDEN Opportunity may be just a FEW CLICKS AWAY!... 
But most people NEVER even know that a profitable, proven, growing home based business that COULD be theirs might be right under their nose! 99% of the people seeking a home based business go to the news stand or the Internet. They look at 100 "me too" operations selling nutrition, soap, or some digital product and HOPE it might work locally. 
Wouldn't it be much simpler to find a viable, cash generating, home based business opportunity right in your own home town that is already proven to work? 
You can! 
And 99.5% of the other home business wannabe's in town will never bother you as competition either.
That's because they don't know how to tap into the nationwide network of business brokers. 
I can hear you now. 
"But I don't have money to BUY a business!" 
Well, you don't necessarily have to buy anything. 
But, you CAN look at "Business for Sale" listings from all over the country and you WILL find home businesses for sale. Or ideas for businesses that can be operated from home that you can re-create in your neck of the woods. For the price of some hours spent surfing the net at a key website I've discovered, you'll develop page after page of ideas for your home based business. 
In fact, you may never have to go searching again for ideas once you know where to look and find out that the looking only involves the investment of your time. Found a business you really like at a reasonable price? You might just want to buy it. Or at least respond to the listing and see what other information you can glean about the enterprise! 
Your time learning about businesses for sale may be the best investment you'll ever make in your home business career. It will expand your horizons as an entrepreneur, cure you of home business pipe dreams, and let you find out what works in the REAL world! 
For information on how to find an indepth and NO COST listing of business brokers throughout the US, visit: http://1sthowtoworkathome.com/business-for-sale.html 
About the author:
Chuck Huckaby, Lawrenceburg,TN, USA
Chuck Huckaby publishes 1stHowToWorkAtHome.com, the Budding NetPreneur's "Escape The Rat Race Portal" with so much content, it's like getting a no cost ebook on every page! 
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Annuity Help

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by: Tony Bahu

Many people today are looking for annuity help. The biggest challenge seems to be that most of the help is biased. What exactly do I mean? I mean that there is always a vested interest for the person who is helping you with your annuities. They are out to sell you something so you don't know if they are doing it for your best interest or for theirs. 
For instance, let's say you were looking for a fixed annuity. If you work with an agent who has a bias towards variable annuities or gets paid more for selling variable annuities, you may end up with something that doesn't fit your needs. Also, if you end up with a banker or financial advisor who does not do a good job at addressing your financial needs and concerns, you may end up with the investment of the day instead of the investment that's right for you. And by the time you realize it, it may be too late. 
So how do you get help with your annuity? First and foremost you must help yourself. What is really good is to take inventory of where you are currently and where you want to be. Look at your current investments and your goals. Take a snapshot of your financial situation. This may sound elementary but most people don't do it. But the key is to do it before you seek help from an outside source. 
Look, the reason is simple. The more you know going in, the better the chance that you will get what you want. Doing your financial homework is a critical piece of getting the right help. A good financial advisor will ask you to help him understand you so you can help him to help you. This is crucial to your financial future. Getting help with your annuity or your investments means helping yourself first. 
The most important aspect of this comes at the time you need to make a financial decision about your annuities or your investments. If you know what you want, you will be able to figure out what you don't want. For example, if you want safety of principal and the advisor offers you a variable annuity, you can easily say no because you know that won't fit your goals. Also, the opposite is true. If you don't know what you want, you may know what you don't want and that may be a good place to start. 
The bottom line is annuity and investment help begins with yourself. Understand your financial situation, your time frames, your needs for liquidity, and your goals. The specific investments and annuities you will use to accomplish your goals will come second. The more you help yourself, the more likely it is you will end up with the right annuity. Good luck and remember... 
Ignorance is not bliss... 
About the author:
Tony Bahu is the author of the controversial document 'Annuities: The Shocking Truths Revealed.' Learn the secrets that Banks and Insurance Companies Don't Want You to Know. Find out what agents aren't telling you at http://www.AnnuityMD.com
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Angel Investors: Who They Are & When Are They Appropriate

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by: Dave Lavinsky
Angel investors are individuals who invest in emerging business ventures. Angels typically provide both capital and know-how to companies who are in either their start-up or expansion phases. To reflect the increased risk of investing in such firms, angels seek a higher rate of return versus traditional public stock investments. 
Angel investors fulfill the financing need that exists between capital provided by friends and family and capital provided by venture capitalists. Individual angel investors often write checks from $25,000 to $100,000. Recently, angel investing has become more organized, and angel groups often invest from $250,000 to $500,000 at a time to deserving ventures. 
Angel investors often have similar financing criteria as venture capitalists. They want to see proprietary intellectual property, a large market size, management team members with expertise and experience and a current valuation that allows for a good return on investment. 
In identifying and attracting an angel investor, companies should seek angel groups that are located in their region. For instance, the Tech Coast Angels have funded over 85 Southern California-based companies since 1997. When seeking individual angel investors, it is critical to network in order to create a personal connection between yourself and the angel. Also, ideally the individual has experience within your specific field so he/she can provide industry contacts and operational expertise in addition to capital. 
About the author:
Growthink Business Plans has developed over 200 business plans for clients have collectively raised over $750 million in financing, launched numerous new product and service lines and gained competitive advantage and market share. For more information go to http://www.growthink.com
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Alternative Venture Finance: Federal Grants and Loans

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by: Dave Lavinsky
While most companies seeking venture capital initially think about angel investors and venture capitalists, a large alternative source of financing is federal grants and loans. The two largest federal grant programs are run by the Small Business Administration (SBA), and by Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs). 
An SBA loan, regardless of whether it is a direct loan from the SBA, or, as is more common, a bank loan guaranteed by the SBA, is essentially a bank loan. The benefit of it versus a traditional bank loan is the rate. SBA rates are typically much less than traditional business loan rates. 
In most cases, in a guaranteed SBA bank loan, the SBA guarantees 90 percent of the loan will be repaid to the bank. As such, banks are at much less risk than in most other loans, and are a bit more flexible with regards to who they offer these loans. However, the SBA usually requires the founders of the company to personally guarantee the loans, which makes them risky should the venture collapse. 
Alternatively, Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs) are privately organized corporations that are licensed and regulated by the SBA. Small or emerging businesses which qualify for assistance from the SBIC program can receive equity capital and/or long-term loans from these companies. Essentially, these companies provide their own capital, which is supplemented by federal funds, to the companies they fund. 
Interestingly, U.S. taxpayers benefits from the SBIC program as tax revenues generated from successful SBIC investments have more than covered the cost of the program. Likewise the program has created hundreds of thousands of jobs. 
In summary, SBA and SBIC financing are viable alternatives to financing from angel investors and venture capitalists and should be considered in the capital raising process. Similarly to angel and VC financing, companies seeking SBA and SBIC financing need a strong management team and value proposition, and a highly professional and compelling business plan in order to raise the capital they need. 
About the author:
GT Business Plans has developed over 200 business plans for clients that have collectively raised over $750 million in financing, launched numerous new product and service lines and gained competitive advantage and market share. GT Business Plans is the sister site of GT Venture Capital
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Alternative Retirement Income Options in 2005

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by: JT McNaught
A very wise and good friend of mine told me once: "One good investment is worth a 'lifetime' of labor." After reading this article, the wisdom behind this statement will be clear to you. 
The big question we should all be asking ourselves is "how much do we need to save to be able to support ourselves?". We cant estimate that unless we first make some basic assumptions: 
A zero-inflation is unrealistic. It's safe to assume however about 2% inflation. If it is higher than that, it is bad for the economy of the country., The Bank of Canada is is mandated to keep inflation under control, using interest rates. If the average rate of inflation for the next 50 years is 2%, then a dollar 50 years from now will be worth roughly (1 - 0.02)^50 = 36 cents. So if save one million dollars today, these retirement dollars will be worth about $360,000. That's still enough to give you an annual income of $36,000 -- well above the poverty level. 
Compound interest is powerful magic. In 50 years, money doubles roughly 7 times, which means that a single $1000.00 investment will grow to roughly $128000.00. Other than the work you did in the first year to save the money, you haven't had to do anything for the next 50 years. 
That's roughly one-tenth of the million dollars most people would like to have sqirreled away for retirement. If you also want to have a million dollars, you'll need to invest about ten times this amount: say, $1000 a year for the next 10 years. Or roughly save $100 a month. Not too difficult is it? 
If you can save more, sooner and earn more longer; this is better. Hence the name of my website http://www.BetterRetirementSooner.com. 
Lets not forget about the federal and state taxes we have to pay every year. We dont have many tax breaks anymore, but the RRSP / 401(k) is there for us to use. Your RRSP / 401(k) is your friend because the money that you put into an RRSP / 401(k) is not taxed until you draw from the plan. 
If you can make a 10% return on your money inside your RRSP, you get to keep the entire 10% and the compounded untaxed growth dollars until you retire and start making withdrawals. If this same 10% was earned outside your RRSP/401(k), and your yearly marginal tax rate is roughly 45%, you only get to keep about 5.5 percent of that. So you can reinvest less,and therefore your money over the years will grows slower. 
These days...How do you make a double-digit return on your money? GICs are a low risk investment. And respectively, GICS only pay upto 5%. At 5%, it will take 14 years for your money to double. A $10000.000 GIC will grow to about $115,000 over 50 years. If you managed to save $300 each month instead of $100, you could get up to $300,000 or $400,000, but you should also think about taking on a little more risk than just GICs. What do you do if you cant wait 50 years for your retirement nest-egg? 
According to Statistics Canada the stock market has maintained an average return of 9% annually. If you're not a seasoned investor, you may not be comfortable with the idea of putting your money into the stock market. Trust me, if you do not know what you are doing, leave the stockmarket to the professionals because you can lose your shirt. 
Don't try to time the markets yourself. There are to many variables and you don't have the information required fast enough to make the timely decisions necessary to be profitable. An inexperienced Day Trader will fsail as miserably as an inexperienced gambler! The odds are very much infavour of the house! 
Large mutual funds are a good investment vehicle. You can regularly invest a small amount every month in a mutual fund instead of stocks, realize better growth than if you invested in a stock or two yourself. Mutual funds reduce the risk of losing all your money because they are managed daily by professional money market analysts. Politics and the economy are very difficult to predict. Merely not being able to sell in the first few hours of a crisis can be very very costly to you and your retirement fund. A Mutual Fund manager will be ready and better prepared to properly deal with a major shift in the market so we dont all lose our shirts. 
You must Plan and budget to build Savings. If your goals and your expenses are out of balance -- there's no way you can save enough to meet your goals -- make a first pass through your expenses, seeing where you can trim them. Even consider lowering your goals a little. 
It is usually much easier to save $100.00, than it is to earn an extra $200.00 because of the taxes payable. Roughly $100 in tax must be paid on that extra $200.00 you earn based on your middle class tax bracket. So planning yor retirement at a later stage in your life, starts with a change in priorities. Begin spending less rather than trying to work overtime to earn more. You may have to do without some of those "nice to have items" that you are dreaming of, or you may end up having to eat cat food in your later years if you don't! 
Once you've got some savings accumulated, keep three months worth in a bank account for short term emergencies. Liquid assets are the easiest to get your hands on when yo need them. Dont worry about making big interest on this money. When you have your emergency money saved, we can talk about savings-building options, to meet our goals. Once you have your short term nest egg squirrelled away, you can begin regularly contributing to long term investments for retirement. 
Can You retire at 65? Because of modern medicine, our life expectancy is longer. Much longer now in 2005 than it was in 1927. Whereas, we used to live until an average age of 61, we now live to an average age of 78! Do you know? The chances are that if you live to be 65, there is a 25% chance that you will live well into your 90's today. 
There is a big problem with this because of our life expectancy, we need live longer on our retirement savings, much longer! So it is harder to retire comfortably today! This means that if you did not start saving significantly when you were young, most likely you will NOT have enough money to live well, for very long, after you are retired, unless you win the lottery. But don't panic! The situtation is still not that desperate. 
In fact, Financial advisors are now telling older people not to retire at retirement age, but instead, keep working. Work, even part time, as long as you can after the official retirement age. This helps to build furthur savings or at least stretch the savings you did have so you can live well in retirement longer and wealthier. The bottom line is, we all need a lot more savings and even so, one can no longer retire well on savings alone - at least not for 20-30 years of retirement - thats for sure! 
What if you dont feel like working into your 70's? What if Mopping floors at Walmart and flipping burgers for minimum wage at MacDonalds, until your 70, is not for you? This is the million dollar question! 
Remember my friends statement: "One good investment is worth a 'lifetime' of labor."? If you have an investment that is bringing-in income, month after month; monthy income for the rest of your life , then you have succeed in securing a wealthy retirement for yourself. You can retire and not worry about running out of savings! Cool. What kind of investment are we talking about? We know real-estate rental properties are such a means because they are not a lot of work adn they bring in money month after month. This is not the only way though. 
We are lucky today. We have some really good options for earning money now. In fact, because of the internet, we have the entire world as our marketplace now. Via the internet we can all have a home based-business and a customer base too! All we need is an internet business that we can tend to a few hours a day...a business that will generate monthly income for us 24/7/365 days a year, for the rest of our life. 
Here are some Recent Internet facts and Figures:
1. By 2007 there will be 1.1 billion Internet users worldwide. - IDC, 2004 
2. Worldwide broadband subscribers exceeded 150 million in 2004. - Point Topic, 2004 
3. Over 40% of all Americans have made a purchase online. - NDP Group, 2004 
4. Over 75% of online consumers do not care whether an online store is run by a large or small company. - TNS, 2004 
5. $1.6 trillion was made via e-commerce in 2003; $7.1 trillion is expected in 2007. - Source: IDC, 2004 
6. A recent UK study indicated that 82% of Internet users go online to research products and services. - UK Stats Office 2004 
7. More than 60 million Europeans now shop online, an increase of 50% since 2003. - Forrester, December 2004 
8. US online retail sales will more than double over the next six years, reaching $316 billion by 2010. - Forrester, Aug 2004

9. 61% of small and mid-sized enterprises believe the Internet is a significant advertising medium.-The Kelsey Group, Nov 2004 
10. In 2004, paid search advertising grew by 51% to $3.6 billion in the US alone. - eMarketer 2004 
The internet has big potential and opportunity that we did no have back in 1927. It should not be overlooked or under-estimated! 
If you can save more, sooner and earn more longer; you will have secured yourself a fabulous retirement! Hence the name of my website http://www.BetterRetirementSooner.com 
Happy Retirement! 
About the author:
http://www.betterretirementsooner.com email: jtmcnaught@detailsinstantly.com
Re-print Rights: You may use this article in it's entirety, all that I ask is that you contact me with an email here: ReprintRights@BetterRetirmentSooner.com to let me know. Thank You!! 
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All About Stock Market

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by: scott morris
A stock market simulation game is a great way to practice your investment skills before actually investing any "real" money in the stock market. 
Simulation games are usually played on the internet, where people can experience the thrill of investing in the stock market without any risks, costs or any fear of losing money when and if they make a poor investment decision. 
Many teachers and professors of banking and finance are now using stock market simulation games to teach their students about the rudiments of investing in stocks. Most stock market simulation games come with a fee to get started, but there are some that are free of any charge. One does not need have prior knowledge about the stock market to join. 
This is how stock market simulation games usually work:
First, players must register. After registration, players are given an initial sum of "virtual" money to invest in companies of their choice. Players build a portfolio of stocks by buying and selling shares in companies. Most stock market simulation games use real-time market data. 
The objective of most stock market simulation games is simple:
To increase the value of your portfolio of stocks so that it is greater than that of the other game players. 
Below are some tips on choosing a stock market simulation game:
• Choose a stock market simulation game that is used and recommended by reputable colleges, high schools, middle school, investment clubs, brokers in training, corporate education courses and any other group of individuals studying markets in the U.S. and worldwide. 
• Choose a stock market simulation game that is comprehensive and easy to implement in any Finance, Economics, or Investments class. A good stock market simulation game should feature trading of stocks, options, futures, mutual funds, bonds from the U.S. and many of the world's major markets. 
• Choose a stock market simulation game that provides a valuable, reliable, and realistic trading simulation at a reasonable price to members and other individuals who are interested in learning more about investing and trading. The simulation game should also have some capability for testing a variety for investment strategies. 
• Choose a stock market simulation game that has a toll-free customer service phone number and excellent e-mail support for members. The support function should be able to quickly answer any questions that members/players may have. 
• Choose a stock market simulation game that is easy to use and easy to teach even to those who have never had any real hands-on investment experience. 
About the author:
Morris gathers information about simple trading systemsimple trading system
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A Completely New Way To Get Rich Rapidly

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by: Martin Thomas
This new way is catching on around the world. People are compounding money rapidly for themselves.
Its called "opportunity investment" and it has nothing to do with the traditional way to invest. Stocks, bonds, shares etc. This is hands on. The entire premise is based on compounding and becoming the "investor source" 
You see when we hand over our funds to "professionals" to invest our capital we dilute our returns dramatically. It makes sense if you think about it. They have no interest or incentive to manufacture returns any better then maybe 10% if you are lucky. 
"Opportunity Investment" is a term that describes the process of taking responsibility for your own funds. Thereby becoming your own "investor source" What that means is that you determine by your daily actions and decisions, what your returns will be. I have managed over 2500% per year and it was easy. Starting with just $100 and on a whim, I compounded that in to $1 million dollars within 27 months .
I discovered this 5 years ago. There is a book written by a guy who pioneered this formula and lives the results every day. Hayden Muller. The book is called "The inside trade secrets to an ethical opportunity investor" 
The idea is to identify "investment objects" that are endowed with "excess intrinsic value" By recognising profit where others do not we put ourselves in the position to access this unseen stored portable value and transform it into profits which we pyramid and compound into a rapid fortune. 
Its my opinion that this is not new at all. I believe, this is the narrow path that all "high net worth individuals" discovered for themselves. What is novel and new is the way its packaged as a book and disclosed freely to all who choose to recognise its worth. 
I am so impressed with it, as were my associates, that we invested in an online resource to share with the many who already compound their wealth rapidly and certainly day by day. (Theres a link to the site below if you wish to learn more) 
Theres revolution in the air. Ordinary people are daring to reach for their first million and taking it. Millions are not content to work their whole lives, then retire then die. They express it by their actions. They are living in large comfortable homes. They are sending their children to good schools, driving nice cars and living the life they choose today not tommorow. 
We are part of that paradigm shift and we fan the flames with knowledge. Wealth education need not be complicated. Your wealth education could be alot simpler and direct if you choose it to be. Simpler is always better, and opportunity investment is the bare bones. The structure is robust and direct. Take it and earn like the many who already do. 
About the author:
Martin Thomas is a professional investor. He is CEO of http://www.Opportunity-Investor.coma resource for the many already achieving high compounding returns. (Yes, Haydens book is available there)If you would like to learn how to start with very little and build your own money machine visit the site. 
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10 Resourceful Things You Can Do With A Product That Doesn't Sell

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by: David Riewe
1. Sell the reprint/reproduction rights to the product. You could make money selling other people the rights to reproduce and sell the product. People are always looking for new products to sell. 
2. Giveaway the product for free from your web site. Just because it won't sell doesn't mean people won't visit your web site to get it for free. They may see another product you sell and buy that one. 
3. Try auctioning off the product at an online auction. You may make part of your investment back. If you're lucky, you may even make a profit because people sometimes get into bidding wars and will bid a higher price than the product is worth. 
4. Use the product as a free bonus for another product you sell. This will increase the perceived value of the product you're selling. People will feel they're receiving more for less. 
5. Contact businesses with the same target market and see if they would be interested in using your product as a free bonus for their product. You could place your ad on the product and get free advertising. 
6. Sell your product to businesses at wholesale cost as a promotional product. Businesses are always looking for products they can giveaway to their customers with their advertising on the product. You could make part of your investment back. 
7. Barter your product to other businesses for things you need for your own business. You could trade for their products or services. This will save you money and help make up for your profit loss. 
8. You could create an online contest so people could win your product. This will attract traffic to your web site. You also could get free advertising by listing it on online contest directories. 
9. If you decide to giveaway the product for free, allow other people to giveaway the product for free. Place your web site ad on the product. This will spread your advertising and attract even more people to your site. 
10. Ask businesses with the same target audience if they would be interested in combining your product with their product. You could then sell them together as a package deal and split the profits. You may have better results selling your product this way. 
About the author:
"Not Only Will I Give You the Secret Blueprint that I Use to Make Six-Figures Per Year Online, I'll Also Provide You with the Products, Resources and Services Needed to Do It Yourself!" http://www.push-button-online-income.com/pbp.
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5 Hot Tips for Successful Real Estate Investment

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by: Rhiannon Williamson
The last downturn of the global stock market saw millions of ‘every day’ investors having their fingers badly burned. Overnight life savings were eaten away, retirement funds went into decline and the economic forecast for all of us who had any money invested in stocks and shares was gloomy to say the very least. 
As a direct result investors in their thousands turned their backs on the rollercoaster stock markets and sought alternative asset classes in which to invest their hard earned money. This has led to a global boom in real estate markets and property prices, and it has spawned a generation of budding real estate investors. 
For those of you wondering whether it’s too late to venture into real estate investing or considering how best to make the most significant returns from property investment, here are 5 hot tips for successful real estate investment to set you on the path to potential profits! 
1) Consider Investment Property Abroad
There are many relatively untapped property markets in countries around the world that offer the real estate investor greater return on investment in the form of rental yields or short to medium term capital growth. 
While major markets in the USA, UK, Australia and Europe are slowing down, there are emerging property markets globally that are hungry for investment and are proving to be highly profitable. 
For example, in 2007 a number of countries are already aligned for accession into the European Union and as a result property markets in these countries are likely to benefit from greater numbers of visitors, more trade, increased investment into infrastructure and more stable economies. The likes of Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Turkey and even Northern Cyprus are just a few examples of overseas destinations with emerging real estate markets that may be worthy of your consideration. 
2) Make Sure Your Plans Are Profitable
This sounds ridiculously simple right? Well, you’d be surprised how few people actually make sure their plans are actually sustainable and as profitable as they hope. 
Examine any real estate market that you’re about to enter by firstly comparing property values across the city, state or region and making sure you know what your money will buy you. Then ensure that the rental yield you intend to obtain from your property is actually realistic or that the asking price you intend to set once you’ve renovated the property will be offered. 
3) Never Assume Anything
This goes from assuming a house is structurally sound to accepting that tax laws won’t change – from believing your tenants when they tell you that they are house proud and honest to accepting the first builder’s quotation! 
Do your due diligence on every single aspect of the process from ensuring the asking price for a property is fair to checking your tax returns before your accountant submits them for you. This is your investment, your future, your potential profit and therefore it is ultimately your responsibility. 
4) Employ An Expert When In Doubt
Few people are a master of all trades therefore be prepared to acknowledge areas where you are far from being an expert and at least consider courting a second opinion. Again, this goes from checking out the structural soundness of a property to understanding the legal ramifications of letting out your property. If in doubt always double check – and if this means you have to call in an expert, make sure you call in an expert! 
5) Set A Realistic Budget And Stick To It
Whether you’re purchasing property to let out or buying real estate to renovate you need to sit down and add up every single area of projected expenditure to enable you to set a realistic budget with which to work. 
Make sure you add in everything from having searches and surveys conducted, legal fees, accountancy fees, insurance costs, likely interest payments on any finance required, taxation, connection of utilities, marketing for tenants or buyers, real estate agency fees, and of course don’t forget to add on the cost of the property and the price of any renovation and refurnishing and decorating work required. 
Spend time considering every single area where a cost will be incurred and detail every likely payment that will have to be made and you will arm yourself with a bullet proof budget and do all you can to ensure you encounter no nasty surprises along the way. 
About the author:
Rhiannon Williamson is an offshore investment, overseas living and international property expert and publisher of http://www.shelteroffshore.com/
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